Privacy Policy of 3DLUT mobile app

1. Privacy Policy

The personal information you provide to the OWNER during the ordering and registration process is used for the OWNER internal purposes only. The OWNER uses the information it collects to learn what you like and to improve the SOFTWARE. Except as otherwise expressly permitted by this EULA or as otherwise authorized by you, the OWNER will not give any of your personal information to any third party without your express approval except as reasonably required by law, as authorized by this provision or as necessary to protect the OWNER and its agents. the OWNER can (and you authorize the OWNER to) disclose any information about you to private entities, law enforcement agencies or government officials, as the OWNER, in its sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate to investigate or resolve possible problems or inquiries, or as otherwise required by law.

2. Email Communication

You agree that the OWNER may communicate with you via email and any similar technology for any purpose relating to the SOFTWARE, other OWNER's products and any services or SOFTWARE which may in the future be provided by the OWNER or on the OWNER's behalf. If you do not want to receive communication from the OWNER, you can unsubscribe at any time following the instructions contained in any email received from the OWNER or by writing an opt-out request to the OWNER at

3. Statistics

In order to innovate and continuously improve its products, the OWNER may collect some usage statistics from its SOFTWARE including, without limitation, the collection of information on how SOFTWARE is used by USERS.

4. Cookies

We use technology such as "cookies" to collect information and store your online preferences. Cookies are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which allows the server to uniquely identify the browser on each page. We also use third party cookies, such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
Please note that refusing cookies does not mean you will no longer receive online advertising. It does mean that the company or companies from which you opted out will no longer deliver adverts tailored to your web preferences and usage patterns, so you may see a greater number of adverts that are irrelevant to you and your preferences.